Assessment costs depend on your child’s age and if a written report is required. If you do not need a written report sessions are charged at our hourly rates. Charges for written reports and recommendations, including advice for Education Health and Care Plans, vary depending on the level of detail required. Travel and mileage costs apply to home and school appointments.
Please contact us for a free telephone screening consultation to allow us to provide you with an accurate assessment quotation.

Specialist Assessments
Assessment costs vary depending upon your child's age & their needs. Assessments & reports start at £200.
Discounts for children under 18 months of age.
Contact us for a quotation & read more about our assessments and treatment approaches.

Upper Limb Intensive Therapy
Specific intensive therapy packages are recommended following an initial assessment. We try to work with your family's needs and budget. Packages range from:
Weekly therapy for 6-12 weeks from£800 - £1,400 inclusive of post-treatment reassessment & report.
Daily therapy for 2-3 weeks for 2-3 hours per day from £2,500-£3,700 inclusive of post-treatment reassessment & report.
Baby mCIMT group 5 week group, 2 hours per week face to face plus pre-group virtual assessment £600 * numbers dependent
Virtual therapy options are available.
Under 18-month-old discount available
Contact us for detailed assessment and treatment package options.
Contact us to discuss our intensive therapy pre-assessment costs.

Hand Splint Clinic
An initial hand splinting clinic upper limb 1 hour assessment costs £150, if a detailed upper limb report is required the cost is from £250.
Recommendations and follow-up costs are provided on the day and will outline the anticipated bespoke splinting costs. If there are sufficient time measurements and thermoplastic splints will be measured and fabricated.
Hand splint costs range from £30 upwards depending upon your child's needs.
Any splinting reveiw or follow-up assessments are charged at hourly rate of £100. On average we recommend three splint reviews per year.
Home visit splinting assessments available upon request, please contact us to obtain costs.

Follow up therapy costs
1-hour clinic session £100.00
Discounts for under 18-month-olds.
Cost inclusive of a short session summary email or summary sheet.
Home, nursery and school visits will incur travel and mileage costs, contact us for a quotation.

Children & Young Peoples Group Therapy
Small group therapy sessions* for two to three children and one parent per child. From £400 for 5 therapy sessions (session length determined by intervention), plus a brief summary report.
Handwriting, pre-school skills, yoga, emotional regulation, constraint & bimanual therapy groups are available
Email us to sign up for our face-to-face groups.

Special Yoga
Ideal for children with additional or emotional needs. Promotes relaxation, postural control, movement skills, body awareness and emotional regulation.